Sunday, September 21, 2008


I was fortunate to be able to go to Chicago for a fun weekend with my mom and my sister Holz. We went to see the Oprah show which was neat, but the best part was just hanging with the ladies. Chicago is an awesome town, I want to go back and explore it more when it isn't raining cats and dogs. Chicago style stuffed pizza, it looked like a cake.
A giant bean
It rained the whole time we were there pretty much
Chicago has amazing old architecture, I loved all these buildings.
The Carbon and Carbide building

The train station Dinner and a show
We went to see Wicked and I absolutley loved it!!!!
The Oriental Theater

Waiting for a train


Josh and Brittney Drake said...

love the GIANT bean!

Jenny B said...

I really missed out. I glad you guys had fun.

Marlene Drake said...

I loved the pictures. it was so much fun. I always love being with you.